Farms have found CHP to be a self-sufficient source of electricity and heat. Cogeneration can provide the energy needed for farm operations and food production while reducing emissions and saving on energy costs. 

    Benefits of CHP for agricultural businesses:

    • Increased reliability
    • Self-sufficiency
    • Reduce emissions
    • Reduce costs
    Save Money

    Save Money.

    Increase Reliability

    Increase Reliability.

    Be Sustainable

    Be Sustainable.

    Case Studies

    Stanton Farms

    Stanton Farms - London, Ontario, Canada

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    From the way they cool the milk using a combination of earth energy and unique heat-exchange technology, to converting on-farm organic waste to renewable energy to power-up the neighboring community, Stanton Farms is always looking to close-the-loop in every aspect their operation. Family owned and operated by Laurie Stanton and his wife Sandy, along with their children Jeff, Jim, Greg and Amy, Stanton Farms is the largest of six agricultural biogas facilities in Ontario. Stanton Farms has 2000 dairy  cattle including those used for dairy production and a genetics and breeding operation. Each cow generates 4 kW/day of renewable energy from the manure they produce. 

    Athlone Farm

    Athlone Farm - Tavistock, Ontario, Canada

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    Athlone farm is converting methane from cow manure and bio waste to electrical and thermal energy. This 600-acre dairy and crop farm had a biogas system constructed that can power at least 500 homes. By using methane produced from their farm manure and imported organic waste, the system reduces atmostpheric methane, creates a better quality of crop nutrient and supplies clean bedding for the farm's dairy animals.