Many airports have installed combined heat and power or cogeneration systems to economically produce both power, heat and cooling for the terminals. These systems can also be configured as microgrids, which enable the option to island and isolate from the grid to produce their own electricity and thermal energy during extreme weather events or other grid interruptions. 

    Benefits of CHP at airports:

    • reduce energy costs
    • increase efficiency
    • enhance operational resiliency 
    • increase reliability and sustainability of key operations
    Save Money

    Save Money.

    Increase Reliability

    Increase Reliability.

    Be Sustainable

    Be Sustainable.

    Case Studies

    Calgary Airport

    Calgary Airport - Calgary, Alberta, Canada

    Download Project Profile

    An ambitious overhaul of one of Canada’s key air transport hubs features four 2G natural gas-fired CHP cogeneration modules, each producing up to 355 kW/h of continuous electricity and up to 475 kW each of thermal energy at more than 88% efficiency. The project, which is the single largest expansion ever undertaken at the airport, is incorporating sustainable design principles into a new International concourse, balancing the goals of creating more space, reducing energy consumption and minimizing environmental impact.